Graphic Design

Graphic design of inner lining for Aristotle Williams Universe signature Limited Edition gentlemens jackets, made in London, UK, as well as commemorative logo.

Design of in-store graphics in Ljubljana.

Graphic design of Annual Reports 2013-2017 for Belektron.

Infographic design for the client's exibition booth on Ljubljana Home Fair 2014.

Graphic design for system of brochures showcasing all Blink Blink products & services.

Graphic design for the brochure witch showcases all the artwork done by 82 artists from 11 countries at International Youth Gathering called Art of Tolerance, held in Brežice, Slovenia.

Graphic design of Annual Reports 2014-2016 for (Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia) DARS.

Graphic re-design of Annual Report 2017 for (Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia) DARS.

Graphic design for DDC New Years office gifts 2007-2010.

Graphic design for Fructal's vodka named Skandal. Partially printed, inside being silver and outside jet black. There are different color combination made for each further flavor Fructal produced - strawbery, blueberry, peach and so on.

Graphic design for Fraxiparine sales folders.

Graphic design for Gorenjka's already established line of chocolathes The Winter's Tale.
Fun fact: At the time redesigned packaging was launched, sales soared up 70%, without any additional advertising.

A 5 year project of Republic of Slovenia Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy for EEA Grants / Norway Grants 2004-2009 Slovenia. Publication contains a summary of all wonderful projects realised in a 5 year period.

Graphic design of Annual Reports for Intereuropa Slovenia.

Graphic design for Interlux product brochures.

Graphic design of promotional materials for Tafen Nasal medicine.

Graphic design for Lekovita product brochures.
Lekos is a family business, developing high-quality and safe products with natural ingredients. The brand Lekovita comprises a line of cosmetic products and a line of herbal teas and syrups as well as Lekobeba brand which is intended for children.

Marles is the oldest and largest Slovenian manufacturer of prefabricated buildings and because of their extensive portfolio, they needed a new and fresh graphic design to showcase their work as well as a modular system of folders.

Most inspiring collaboration & evolution of the project with esteemed Crisis Captain Milan Krajnc. The designed books are the start of a collection for Teacher of Life / Process of Change upcoming books.

Anton Janša is considered the greatest Slovenian beekeeper. His birthday was on 20th May, and in 2017 this date was officially announced as World Bee Day. In his honor there were memorial information boards erected, graphic design by yours truly, architecture by esteemed Ariana Furlan Prijon.
More info:

Graphic design of NLB Annual Reports from 2005 to 2007.

A wonderful project for a positive and elevating author Rok Beigot. A new book to switch & flip our mind towards more positive and productive future. Ukroti svoj um po programersko
Available here:
Photo by: Rok Beigot (at the moment he received books from the printers :))

Graphic design of Annual Reports for SGP Pomgrad.

Graphic design of a Annual Report 2007 cover for Slovenian Environment Agency.

Graphic design of Spar Plus Card for Spar & Interspar, Slovenia.

Graphic design for Styria Slovenia office space, mostly for glass divider walls, covering 2000 m2. Excellent collaboration with the client, filled with inspiration and trust.

Graphic design for Val 202 & Universal collaboration album series named Val 202 Plus! as well as commemorative logo. Albums contain exclusive & fresh tracks provided by Universal and picked by best Slovenian radio Val 202.

Graphic design for exhibition stand at Wire Düsseldorf in april 2016.
Engineering by